๐ Context and market environments
Context and marketing environments - ways a business can influence digitalisation.
The influence and impact of digitisation within a business context and market environment. Consider:
- Brand differentiation
- Virtualisation
- Digital innovations
- Processes ad business models
- Wider access to
- Contextualising customer behaviour
- Open standards
Brand differentiation Is the difference between brands that may be similar. Now, with digitalisation it can be hard to see the differences between online businesses. Making yourself stand out. Brand Values
Virtualisation and cloud solutions: The impact of cloud solutions are the lower costs, cloud computing works on a pay per use concept, being able to scale up and down, and it helps businesses developing with virtualisation to cut down on waste.
Digital innovaties: Application of digital technologies to existing business problems.
Information:: Business Intelligence (BI)
Wider access to: Customers
Processes and business models: A business model describes how a company creates and captures value. A business model example could be a closed loop process. Many models replace a what's called "linear consumption process" which is when products are made, used, and then disposed of, with a closed loop, in which used products are recycled. This move reduces overall resource costs. Automation to do jobs and make reports. Automate processes that may have been manual before. (car manufacturing) Finance, research.
Contextualising customer behaviour: Due to digitalisation, we can now see what our customers like the most. With analytic programs, we can see where the users are coming from, what they like looking at and heatmaps.